My weight is down again. And not just down. I'm at 388 lbs which is lower than my lowest point so far. I successfully broke that nasty plateau. I'm hoping it's all downhill from here. When I do my weigh-ins, I know I've mentioned that I step on and off the scale many times until I see three of the same number (generally in a row). Today it had stopped on 387.8 lbs a couple of times. This is how I know that 387 lbs is just around the corner. Perhaps that will be tomorrow's weight. I don't know. Starting weight: 415 lbs Current weight: 388 lbs ⇩ Long-term Goal: 145 lbs Short-term Goal: 359 lbs So I read more about that one person's thoughts on the set-point theory; they believe it is incorrect, or, in the very least, not whole. While there are some good points presented by the writer, there are a few glaring problems. I don't profess to be an expert, but I think I have a fairly good mind about things. I won't say that I'm absolutel...
425 lbs. That's the highest weight I've ever seen on the scale. In April of 2017 I saw 415 lbs while at a doctor visit. Enough is enough! Diets have never worked for me, but I am not giving up the fight. Follow along with me in my journey. I am confident I can ultimately succeed. 145 lbs here I come!