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2017 SEP 15 -- Day 27

I have been concerned of late about the loose skin issue following the expected dramatic weight lost. I have been searching the Internet to try to locate articles, opinions, discussions, anything that may allay my fears. What I want to see is success. I want to be assured that eventually, given time, the skin will snap back on its own without the need for body contouring surgery. The prospect of having any kind of surgery is terrifying to me.

Starting weight: 415 lbs
Current weight: 396.6 lbs ⇩ 
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 389 lbs

On a lighter note -- quite literally -- the lowest measurement I saw on my scale today was 396.6 lbs. What I usually do is take a measurement at several points during the day. I step on and off the scale several times during these measurement points. The weight  measure that comes up the most often -- and generally at least three times in a row -- is the one I stick with for that measurement. Then I keep the lowest one and graph that. I don't do an average of the days weight; I deliberately keep the lowest. I do this to keep myself motivated to keep continuing. It's effective.

The typical timeframe of my lowest weight of the day is around 6:00 PM. Tonight, I got 396.6 lbs three times in a row right around 6:30 PM. I'm going to keep that one and graph it. During the day my weight can fluctuate by nearly 2 lbs. It is influenced by what I eat, what I drink, what I wear, and, of course, visits to the porcelain fairy. When I measure my weight, I try to do it using the same clothing for the most part.

I'm also concerned that I am eating so little. Eating very little means faster weight loss, but it also means I may not be getting the nutrients I need to stay healthy. I have been researching what bariatric patients do following bariatric surgery. I'm on a similar diet now and with as little as I am eating, it just makes sense to follow the recommended supplement regimen that they do. I also found out that today is the first time my husband ever encountered the word 'bariatric." I explained it to him.

I found this on the Merriam-Webster site:

adjective  bar·iat·ric  \ ˌber-ē-ˈa-trik , ˌba-rē- \
:relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity

From the UCSF Medical Center site (, here is what I found is needed to be certain I'm getting the nutrients I require:

You must take the following supplements on a daily basis to prevent nutrient deficiencies. Please remember that all pills must be crushed or cut into six to eight small pieces. You are not able to absorb whole pills as well as before surgery, and it can be difficult for the pills to pass through your new anatomy.

Take a high-potency daily chewable multivitamin and mineral supplement that contains a minimum of 18 mg of iron, 400 mcg of folic acid, selenium, copper and zinc. Brands that contain this formula include Trader Joe’s and Centrum Adult chewable multivitamins. Take two tablets daily for at least three months after your surgery, and then one tablet daily for life.

Calcium Supplement
Take 1,200 to 2,000 mg of calcium daily to prevent calcium deficiency and bone disease. To enhance absorption, take the calcium in two to three divided doses throughout the day - for example, a 500 to 600 mg supplement taken three times a day. Calcium citrate is the preferred form of calcium.

Vitamin D Supplement
Take a total of 800 to 1,000 International Units (IUs) of vitamin D each day. This total amount should be taken in divided doses of 400 to 500 IUs twice a day. Vitamin D should be taken with your calcium supplement. If you prefer, you can take a combination calcium-vitamin D supplement to avoid taking multiple pills, so long as it contains the proper dosages.

Vitamin B12 Supplement
Take 500 mcg of vitamin B daily. It can be taken as a tablet, or in sublingual forms placed under the tongue.

Other Supplements
Some patients need additional folic acid or iron supplements, particularly women who are still menstruating. Your dietitian will discuss this with you.

One important thing that isn't mentioned in this list is that calcium and iron cannot be taken at the same time as they will counteract each other. So if the multivitamin I get has iron, I need to take it separately from the calcium supplement.

I have ordered these vitamins from Amazon, and they were supposed to get here today by 9:00 PM. It is now 9:20 PM. I'm sure that one day more without them won't hurt, but I paid extra to have them delivered today with a guaranteed delivery by 9:00 PM. It's annoying, but I'm not going to stress about it too much. Perhaps they went to the mailbox and didn't deliver them to my door like Amazon orders are typically delivered. I'll have to check that.

Now onto happier things. It's graph time!

I need vitamin supplements graph:


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