All of my discouragement is long gone now. The scale just gave me a 405! I know that the 404.8 that I saw over a week ago is going to show up again soon, and 399 is not far behind! Woo! Starting weight: 415 lbs Current weight: 405 lbs ⇩ Long-term Goal: 145 lbs Short-term Goal: 399 lbs This is such a small victory, and I still weigh so much and have so much left to lose, but this is the first time in my life that I have felt that I control my weight, and it doesn't control me! Take that, fat!! More than 5 lbs gone over the past 6 days. I like that. It's not generally considered healthy to lose weight that quickly, but here in the super high numbers, I think it's generally okay. Taking the oil has become routine and is no longer a chore. I have experienced hunger, but I have been able will-power through it for the most part. I still eat my regular meals at my regular times, but I find that I can't handle much more than half my usual por...
425 lbs. That's the highest weight I've ever seen on the scale. In April of 2017 I saw 415 lbs while at a doctor visit. Enough is enough! Diets have never worked for me, but I am not giving up the fight. Follow along with me in my journey. I am confident I can ultimately succeed. 145 lbs here I come!