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2018 JUL 8 -- Day 88

Two pounds down today! Woo! I wonder if I'm dehydrating myself, though. I need to be careful of that and make sure I'm not forgetting to take in enough water. I haven't been feeling too great. I don't know what it is or how best to describe it, though. I feel a bit "gross" in my stomach and chest. The only way I can really describe it is the feeling you might get from breathing in helium to get a squeaky voice or inhaling too much chlorine in the air at a water park.

Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 343.6 lbs 
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs

I'm wondering whether I need some salt or electrolytes or something. I chose to consume some pickle juice and olives to see if I can make myself feel a bit better. I am also trying to force a bit more water into me as well.

The scale is dropping, but I really don't feel like I'm getting any smaller. I don't know how that's even possible. Maybe I'm losing visceral fat from around my organs or something, But if it is all visceral fat, then that's a heck of a lot of visceral fat. This is so confusing.

My husband is having better blood glucose readings of late. They are typically under 100 ml/dl, but he is a bit discouraged by seeing little to no results on the scale. I don't know why the scale isn't moving for him.We are experimenting with OMAD for him to see if that helps. I'm afraid to cut him down to too few calories. I don't want to slow his metabolism.

Work has been really difficult and stressful lately. I do a lot of typing. I type practically nonstop.As a result, I tend to get this tension ache right across my shoulders just behind my neck. It's really painful. I'm sure I'm not using the best posture, and I know I am not using the proper positioning of my hands on the keyboard. This likely contributes to it.

I have stopped participating in the Facebook Forums. I got tired of it, sort of. I'm not tired of the diet, but there is a lot of drama involved with dealing with other people, and it's really tiring sometimes. This is the exact reason I barely use Facebook to begin with. It's tiring.

Losing weight but not inches is weird graph:


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