I forgot to weigh myself today. I was feeling really, really miserable. I had a huge fight with the porcelain fairy today. I won, but I'm much worse for wear. I feel a bit weakened and ill. I need some time to reset and recover. I did the laundry yesterday, and my husband was kind enough to do the grocery shopping for me, so at least that part is already done and out of the way. Now all I have to do it prepare food for the week.
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 337.4 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs
I was a bit hungrier last night than I have been for a while. I'm not sure why that is. I'm sure it contributed to the rift between the porcelain fairy and me, though. My nighttime meal was pork rinds and cream cheese. It was really tasty. I was thinking that I should have had some greens with that. I might need a bit more fiber in my diet. The only trouble is that fiber is carbohydrates. Granted, they are the kind that don't really matter as they are no digested, but still. They are carbs, and I'm afraid of how my body will react to them.
My weight is a carryover from the night before, so it's no accurate. I don't know what I weigh today. I suppose I could go get on the scale now, but I don't know if that will be accurate. I have been trying to take my weight daily at the exact same time to make sure I have consistency. I think that's important given the way the body can fluctuate within a range of about 5 lbs throughout the day. I don't know whether 6:30 to 7:00 PM is my lightest time of the day, but that's the weight measurement I have been using.
Given that I had that huge fight with the porcelain fairy, my hope is that my weight will drop significantly. However, I also ate in abundance, too. It could go up. Only time will really tell.
I wish there was a way to get the nutrients I need without eating.
I forgot to weigh myself, so disregard today's graph graph:
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 337.4 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs

My weight is a carryover from the night before, so it's no accurate. I don't know what I weigh today. I suppose I could go get on the scale now, but I don't know if that will be accurate. I have been trying to take my weight daily at the exact same time to make sure I have consistency. I think that's important given the way the body can fluctuate within a range of about 5 lbs throughout the day. I don't know whether 6:30 to 7:00 PM is my lightest time of the day, but that's the weight measurement I have been using.
Given that I had that huge fight with the porcelain fairy, my hope is that my weight will drop significantly. However, I also ate in abundance, too. It could go up. Only time will really tell.
I wish there was a way to get the nutrients I need without eating.
I forgot to weigh myself, so disregard today's graph graph:
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