A plateau is far better than weight gain on eating days! Woo! I am celebrating this as a victory and a further sign that my body is back on track and losing weight again!
I feel like I'm really puffy, but I'm not that puffy. I have been much puffier. This does clearly show that there was something that kicked me completely out of ketosis, though. I still have no idea what it was. That's fine. I can deal with the setback. I have full confidence that things have turned around for me now, and I will be seeing the downward trend on my graphs again. It already looks like it is going generally downward even with this plateau from yesterday to today.
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 355.6 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs
Sometimes I struggle with what to write about in this blog. I should be documenting how I feel and what my experiences are, but I also want to give my thoughts on the various topics I am concerned about and that affect me. Recently, I am on a kick of watching videos that basically answer, but more accurately "ridicule" those who speak out for fat-acceptance. I find that I half-agree with what is being said. When I disagree, I offer up my two cents in the comments.
I saw a video about how slicing a cake can be considered fatphobic. I feel that's a bit ridiculous and taking it too far. The arguments presented in the YouTube Video "No, I Won't Cut You A Smaller Slice Of Cake" leave a lot to be desired as compelling arguments go. I'm not convinced. If I want to have a smaller slice of cake, it shouldn't offend someone else or shame anyone. I don't know why my asking for a smaller piece would make anyone else feel bad or have others believe that I am somehow feeling superior. I simply don't want a large piece of cake that will go uneaten and wasted. Is that so wrong?
I think this is a symptom of over-sensitivity. I get why people want the acceptance. Others can be really, really cruel in ridiculing those is of on the more robust side. I would like it if I didn't have to deal with it, but I do not have the luxury. And I also get why the fatter few (and actually a growing minority, near majority) of us who feel that trying to lose weight is simply a lost cause because it is met with 100% failure and an ever-expanding waistline with very little hope of a "cure." I am in that boat -- or I was. I have seen the light because I never gave up the hope.
In my view, those who are seeking acceptance have lost the hope. I find that to be sad. I want to help them all, but at this point, they are not seeking help. They have given up, given in, and are fighting for acceptance instead. The problem is, though, that it is an unhealthy thing to simply accept. Personally, there were a few years in my life where I had given in and given up a bit. I stopped trying. I pretended to be content in my corpulence. I never was. I never will be. There is a better way!
I'm so thrilled to have found the way out. I'm not there yet, but I will get there in time. I am sure of it! I will just keep plugging along until I get there. I will not stop. To stop would be to admit defeat and accept death. I will not accept death!
Give me liberty from this fat body or give me death (except, no thanks on the death) graph:
I feel like I'm really puffy, but I'm not that puffy. I have been much puffier. This does clearly show that there was something that kicked me completely out of ketosis, though. I still have no idea what it was. That's fine. I can deal with the setback. I have full confidence that things have turned around for me now, and I will be seeing the downward trend on my graphs again. It already looks like it is going generally downward even with this plateau from yesterday to today.
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 355.6 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs
Sometimes I struggle with what to write about in this blog. I should be documenting how I feel and what my experiences are, but I also want to give my thoughts on the various topics I am concerned about and that affect me. Recently, I am on a kick of watching videos that basically answer, but more accurately "ridicule" those who speak out for fat-acceptance. I find that I half-agree with what is being said. When I disagree, I offer up my two cents in the comments.
I saw a video about how slicing a cake can be considered fatphobic. I feel that's a bit ridiculous and taking it too far. The arguments presented in the YouTube Video "No, I Won't Cut You A Smaller Slice Of Cake" leave a lot to be desired as compelling arguments go. I'm not convinced. If I want to have a smaller slice of cake, it shouldn't offend someone else or shame anyone. I don't know why my asking for a smaller piece would make anyone else feel bad or have others believe that I am somehow feeling superior. I simply don't want a large piece of cake that will go uneaten and wasted. Is that so wrong?
I think this is a symptom of over-sensitivity. I get why people want the acceptance. Others can be really, really cruel in ridiculing those is of on the more robust side. I would like it if I didn't have to deal with it, but I do not have the luxury. And I also get why the fatter few (and actually a growing minority, near majority) of us who feel that trying to lose weight is simply a lost cause because it is met with 100% failure and an ever-expanding waistline with very little hope of a "cure." I am in that boat -- or I was. I have seen the light because I never gave up the hope.
In my view, those who are seeking acceptance have lost the hope. I find that to be sad. I want to help them all, but at this point, they are not seeking help. They have given up, given in, and are fighting for acceptance instead. The problem is, though, that it is an unhealthy thing to simply accept. Personally, there were a few years in my life where I had given in and given up a bit. I stopped trying. I pretended to be content in my corpulence. I never was. I never will be. There is a better way!
I'm so thrilled to have found the way out. I'm not there yet, but I will get there in time. I am sure of it! I will just keep plugging along until I get there. I will not stop. To stop would be to admit defeat and accept death. I will not accept death!
Give me liberty from this fat body or give me death (except, no thanks on the death) graph:
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