So fat is not the villain, and fat is not what makes us fat. We have been lied to, people! I have heard about this before. It's not new to me. It's taken some convincing, though, because of all the brainwashing I've been through since I was little.
The real demon is carbs and sugar. And I think back at how I was eating as a child, and it was all just carbs, carbs, carbs, and more carbs! It was cheap, and everyone thought it was healthy. And now I realize that this is why I started by weight-gain journey from the age of 9 on.
I've been packing on pounds and unable to lose any of them for any length of time. Now I know the truth, and I'm sad that I didn't know this sooner.
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 382.4 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 379 lbs
There hasn't been any change in my weight from yesterday to today. That's fine. I'm not too worried about it. I haven't been able to make a good bowel movement since I started on these salads. I'm sure my weight will plummet once I'm able to do that. I'm finding that it's getting more and more difficult to eat the entire salad each day, but it's also getting much easier to not eat for the rest of the 22-ish-hour period between meals. I feel this is working.
I don't know whether I am in ketosis or not. Dr. Berg said that it can take up to 6 weeks for those who have been the most carb-addicted. I do not feel that I was that addicted because it was easy to get completely off carbs, and I haven't had cravings for sweets. The lower end of the timeframe is 2 weeks. So at the very least, I have one more week before I am in ketosis... I think.

There are signs of ketosis and symptoms of carb-addition or insulin-resistance that should tell me whether I am still carb-addicted and have insulin-resistance or have entered ketosis.
Signs of ketosis:
1. Bad Breath -- I'm not sure. I tried testing this, but I really can't tell. It doesn't seem to me that my breath is bad.
2. Weight Loss -- Check! I am losing weight.
3. Increased Ketones in the Blood -- I have no way to check this.
4. Increased Ketones in the Breath or Urine -- I can't check this either.
5. Appetite Suppression -- Sort of? I'm hungry, but not too hungry. It's lessening.
6. Increased Focus and Energy -- I'm a giant ball of energy, but am I also thinking better? I can't tell. My memory seems a bit better, but am I trying to see a sign where there isn't one?
7. Short-Term Fatigue -- I don't really have fatigue. I'm good.
8. Short-Term Decreases in Performance -- I don't understand this one, so I'm going to say no. I'm not decreasing in any type of performance. I'm thinking about how I perform while at work, and I'm going like gangbusters!
9. Digestive Issues -- I have had constipation and a bit of bloating from all the salad. I think that counts.
10. Insomnia -- Yes! All the very yes. It's hard to settle into sleep because I'm all energized and stuff. I have been feeling really full after eating, but I haven't felt the need to sleep immediately after I eat.
Am I in ketosis or not? graph:
The real demon is carbs and sugar. And I think back at how I was eating as a child, and it was all just carbs, carbs, carbs, and more carbs! It was cheap, and everyone thought it was healthy. And now I realize that this is why I started by weight-gain journey from the age of 9 on.
I've been packing on pounds and unable to lose any of them for any length of time. Now I know the truth, and I'm sad that I didn't know this sooner.
Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 382.4 lbs
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 379 lbs
There hasn't been any change in my weight from yesterday to today. That's fine. I'm not too worried about it. I haven't been able to make a good bowel movement since I started on these salads. I'm sure my weight will plummet once I'm able to do that. I'm finding that it's getting more and more difficult to eat the entire salad each day, but it's also getting much easier to not eat for the rest of the 22-ish-hour period between meals. I feel this is working.
I don't know whether I am in ketosis or not. Dr. Berg said that it can take up to 6 weeks for those who have been the most carb-addicted. I do not feel that I was that addicted because it was easy to get completely off carbs, and I haven't had cravings for sweets. The lower end of the timeframe is 2 weeks. So at the very least, I have one more week before I am in ketosis... I think.

There are signs of ketosis and symptoms of carb-addition or insulin-resistance that should tell me whether I am still carb-addicted and have insulin-resistance or have entered ketosis.
Signs of ketosis:
1. Bad Breath -- I'm not sure. I tried testing this, but I really can't tell. It doesn't seem to me that my breath is bad.
2. Weight Loss -- Check! I am losing weight.
3. Increased Ketones in the Blood -- I have no way to check this.
4. Increased Ketones in the Breath or Urine -- I can't check this either.
5. Appetite Suppression -- Sort of? I'm hungry, but not too hungry. It's lessening.
6. Increased Focus and Energy -- I'm a giant ball of energy, but am I also thinking better? I can't tell. My memory seems a bit better, but am I trying to see a sign where there isn't one?
7. Short-Term Fatigue -- I don't really have fatigue. I'm good.
8. Short-Term Decreases in Performance -- I don't understand this one, so I'm going to say no. I'm not decreasing in any type of performance. I'm thinking about how I perform while at work, and I'm going like gangbusters!
9. Digestive Issues -- I have had constipation and a bit of bloating from all the salad. I think that counts.
10. Insomnia -- Yes! All the very yes. It's hard to settle into sleep because I'm all energized and stuff. I have been feeling really full after eating, but I haven't felt the need to sleep immediately after I eat.
Am I in ketosis or not? graph:
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