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2017 NOV 3 -- Day 76

We stopped using the Bertoli oil, and my weight is dropping again. It's, like, an instant difference. I wonder if this is just a short trend due to the change itself. I fear that my weight will go back up. This is the lowest number I've seen so far, though, and that's super exciting. I'm cautious about calling the plateau over, though. 

I currently weigh 376 lbs. I really want to see the number drop. It's officially a loss of 39 lbs in total at this point, and I can't wait to hit that sweet 40-lb loss. It will come soon enough, I'm sure.

Starting weight: 415 lbs
Current weight: 376 lbs ⇩ 
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 359 lbs

I am a little worried about the holidays coming up. Thanksgiving is the worst because it's the one Holiday I really go all out on. It's the Holiday my husband has "given" me, basically. I'm allowed to go wild, spend a fortune, and invite all of our friends to enjoy a fancy meal that I cook myself. I really do go all out, too. Our tradition is that I make a cheesecake every year. This year I plan t pressure cook our turkey. We got 4 turkey roasts, and I've already practiced it. It comes out amazing!

I also make some really great-tasting gravy from the "drippings" in the pan. I was toying with the idea of brining the turkey roasts. I don't know what that will do to the drippings or to the turkey. I heard it makes for amazing turkey, though. I don't know if I will try it this time, but it's definitely an idea worth exploring.

I've decided on the side dishes, too. I found a recipe for a rice and sausage stuffing/dressing that sounds amazing. It has mushrooms, Basmati rice, sage sausage, and some really delicious-sounding seasonings. If it turns out well, I will put the recipe in my blog exactly as I made it. I plan to make some changes to the original so that I can make it my own.

I will also have yeast rolls with butter, mashed russet and red potatoes, bread stuffing/dressing, green beans with bacon, corn off the cob, skillet zucchini and squash, and a house-type salad with that home-made ginger dressing I made before -- only with a few modifications to make it taste more amazing. I'll have to add all the recipes to this blog so you can see them and potentially try them out, too.

But my concern is overeating. My plan is to make all of this with as little tasting as I can manage, and then maybe take a small portion of each thing for myself during dinner. By small, I mean minuscule. Like, a one- or two-tablespoon helping. I'm sure I'll do fine. I'm not feeling like I want to eat. I know what a need-to-eat feeling is, and I have control over my body as regards food intake now. Gotta love SLD!

I may brine my turkey graph:


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