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2018 AUG 1 -- Day 112

And and I am back up to 341 lbs today. This is making me sad. I know that my body is confused by the food I am eating, but I hope this doesn't last much longer. My spirits are low. This is stressful. The only good thing is that the food I have been enjoying is really good. I get to eat when my husband eats. That's fun.

Starting weight: 415 lbs
Current weight: 341 lbs  
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs

I thought I was beginning to understand my body a bit better as I have finally finished reading Dr. Fung's book, The Obesity Code which had a lot of detail in it that I was missing from just watching his YouTube videos and reading the content on his website. I thought I had this down. Apparently I don't.

I'll keep going and eating daily to see whether my body begins to respond better and start losing weight again, but I'm not sure how long I want to keep trying this with such poor results. This is shaping up to be a pretty well-defined plateau. A plateau is something I can handle, but it's a plateau several pounds heavier than my lightest weight. This is a bit discouraging.

How long can a plateau last? How long should I let it go on before I try changing things? Maybe I never should have started eating daily. There are others that have reported such great success from eating one or two meals a day, but apparently my body gets confuse by any amount of food I choose to eat. It really makes no sense to me at all.

I am eating a lot of salad these days. Perhaps I can try the thing where I eat only protein and fat. That is supposed to help break a fast. There are a couple of different ways I've seen people do this: the egg fast and the beef and butter fast. Both sound like they are do-able. I like eggs, and I like ground beef. Butter is the fat of choice for both of these fasting methods, and I like butter.

Maybe I should try this. Maybe I should also cut out all dairy, too, besides the butter, of course. I can cut cheese, sour cream, and heavy cream from my diet. I can switch to getting my fats from oils, avocados, olives, and butter. Maybe I will try that.

Cutting all dairy except butter might help me lose weight again, but it might not graph:


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