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2018 JUL 28 -- Day 108

I have lost a little bit of weight from yesterday to today, but I'm still not too happy. I am about three pounds heavier than where I should be right now. I know it's because food inevitably causes weight gain, and breaking my fast two days a week will invariably make my weight bounce back a bit. While I have to accept it, I don't have to like it.

Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 339 lbs 
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs

I was feeling a bit yuck from a combination of my fight with the porcelain fairy and the stress I've been under. I decided that eating would be a good idea today, so I had a salad with a nice, fat-infused Italian dressing I had made and some feta cheese and a few cherry tomatoes. It was really tasty.

I also ate about an ounce or two of pork rinds. You'd be surprised at how many rinds are in a single ounce. They are a bit difficult to weight, though. I had quite a handful of them. Likely, it was two handfuls, actually. I offset the protein in them by having the fatty dressing in my salad.

I'm hoping that the salad greens will help me have better experiences when visiting the porcelain fairy in the future. I am also drinking a cup of coffee to see if I can get any help there. My husband was not enjoying the spinach leaves in the spring mix salad greens we had been getting, so we made a change to romaine and iceberg lettuces.

I think I may want to go back to spring mix or, specifically, spinach, and maybe add some kale to see how I can improve things for myself going forward. I really need to work on improving things. I am not feeling too well these days, and I'm not too sure why that is. Is it just stress?

I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired graph:


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