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2018 JUL 31 -- Day 111

My weight is down today from yesterday, but it's way up from my lowest point. I don't like it. I want it to drop again. The problem is that I have decided to try eating instead of fasting for 5 days a week to see if I can kick my weight loss back into high gear. I don't know how long I will continue with this pattern, but what I hope to see is my weight stop going up, and start heading down again while I'm eating. My weight loss slowed a bit too much for my liking, and that's why I'm trying this.

Starting weight: 401 lbs
Current weight: 340.6 lbs 
Long-term Goal: 145 lbs
Short-term Goal: 325 lbs

I love that I get to be near my husband while we work. We are together nearly every day, and nearly every hour of every days. We are not tired of each other yet. But the awesome thing is that we get to work together doing the same job int he same office with nearly identical schedules. We have a one-day shift between our schedules; he works a day that I don't, and vice-versa. We both have customer support positions, and we take calls all day long.

The reason I am bringing this up is that I get to hear him occasionally talk about me or us or keto. He is so enthusiastic about these topics that his customers seem to ask for more details. He spends most of the time on his calls just talking about these things. I love how excited he is about the progress I've made, and about how he has been able to lower his blood glucose to the normal range.

At first, I was worried about how sad he was at losing carbs from his diet, I thought he may not be able to follow-through so completely. I'm happy that he has been able to adjust and maintain this lifestyle. This will benefit us both greatly in the long run.

He also likes to discuss keto with anyone who will listen, too. When we are out on the town, and we start talking to other people, the topic invariably turns to diet, health, and keto. When we are at a restaurant and need to order off-menu to fulfill our dietary needs and restrictions, the topic turns to keto, naturally. It was a difficult transition, but we have made it past the hardest hurdles. Now it's just a slow and steady marathon that we can comfortably handle.

I am excited that my husband is so excited graph:


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